Areas of Expertise
The ASC is a unique roster because it is the only continental personnel pool in the world. The ASC is open to a wide range of civilians with diverse professional backgrounds. ASC members are grouped in over 140 areas of expertise from “A”, for Air Operations and Aviation Safety to “W” for Webmaster.
List of Areas of Expertise and their specific job families
Please click on an Area of Expertise to view the related job families.
Substantive Areas
Monitor and analyze the political aspects of the peace process and provide the mission leadership and headquarters with advice and reports on short, medium and long term developments and prosects | Undertake conflict prevention and peacemaking initiatives and partake fully in the implementation of any ceasefire and peace agreements as may be required | Draft the Reports of the SRCC to the Chairperson of the AU Commission | Facilitate the work of the Mission Analysis Cell (MAC)
Monitor mission planning and operations and provide legal advice to the mission on the legal implications of any intended actions and their consequences
Facilitate the mission planning process (multi-year, annual, phase transitions, special events, drawing down, etc.) | Analyze and evaluate mission progress and provide periodic reports to mission leadership on progress against plans, problem areas and unintended consequences | Facilitate coordination between mission, internal and external stakeholders and partners | Facilitate mission coordination processes and mechanisms, includingthe Mission Operations Centre (MOC) and the Mission Planning and Evaluation and Cell (MPEC)
Act as Spokesperson for the SRCC and mission | Develop and implement an effective public information campaign to keep the general public, mission members, stakeholders and partners informed of developments in support of the peace process and role and activities of the mission | Develop a media strategy, proactively gather and generate mission information and conduct regular press briefings | Develop regular public information guidelines that will assist mission staff with sharing a coherent mission view with all stakeholders and the media
Facilitate the establishment of a positive relationship between the humanitarian community and the various mission components, based on recognition and respect for humanitarian principles, including independence | Explore ways in which the mission can support the humanitarian community and coordinate mission support to the humanitarian community, in coordination with the Civil-Military Coordination (CIMIC) section of the military component, where relevant Reintegration | Refugee/IDP Camp Management | Refugee Tracing and Registration
Facilitate the promotion and protection of human rights, with particular attention to women, children and other vulnerable persons, through: human rights monitoring and reporting, advise and education to the parties to the conflict, monitor and advice new institutions on human rights issues | Coordination human rights issues with stakeholders and partners
Provide policy and technical advice to the senior mission leadership, the host government and partners on strategies for advancing gender equality and women’s rights in accordance with the African Union instruments on gender equality and women’s rights and the provisions of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on women, peace and security | Provide expert technical advice to inform policy and operational activities of Mission components and ensure the delivery of appropriate training for all levels of personnel | Strengthen and expand partnerships including with the national machinery for the advancement of women’s rights and gender equality | Document and disseminate good practices and lessons learned to inform policy decisions.
Disseminate, promote and familiarise AU staff with the AU PSO Code of Conduct | Monitor compliance with the Code of Conduct and the AU PSO Conduct and Discipline policies, and investigate all complaints according to the AU PSO Conduct and Discipline policies | Undertake proactive training and monitoring to prevent cases of
sexual abuse and exploitation (SEA)
Monitor the judicial process and provide advice and assistance to promote the independence of the judiciary, highlight any improper pressure on judges, prosecutors and courts | Provide expertise to improve the quality of justice and access to justice through reform of criminal law, policy and practice | Collect, analyze and disseminate criminal justice data | Assist the government to re-establish the authority of the judiciary and the rule of law throughout the territory | Coordinate closely with the police and other state security services to ensure a coherent and system-wide rule of law approach
Monitor and advise on reforming the correction services
Provide technical and logistical advice and support to the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) | Facilitate and participate in the monitoring of elections Education
Facilitate liaison between the mission and national, provincial and local authorities and civil society to assist with the recovery, rehabilitation and reconstruction of social services and the extension of state authority | Coordinate with other stakeholders and partners active in this area | Facilitate inter-communal dialogue and consultations as a confidence building measure
Advise SRCC, Force Commander, Commissioner of Police and other relevant components on issues or initiatives associated with Security Sector Reform.
Mission Support
Human resources services, including recruitment and contract management of local and international personnel, managing staff conduct and behaviour | Provision of staff welfare and counselling services | Provide insurance and medical services including emergency medical evacuation
Financial management services, including budgeting, accounting,
cash management, payments and contractor management
Logistics and integrated support, including distribution of mission
assets to all mission components, including vehicles, computers and
stationery and provide bulk supplies of water, fuel products and foodstuffs
Provide accommodation, building management and civil engineering
Provide induction briefings for all military, police and civilian staff | Support pre-deployment training by providing T/PCCs with mission specific information | Identify training needs and facilitate in-mission training | Act as a clearing house for out-of-mission training opportunities offered to mission staff